Thursday, December 13, 2012

Promoting Our District Conference the "240 Style"

Two months ago Rotaract Dokki Garden-City thought of doing a project to emphasize the uniqueness of our district since it’s our last year together. Following the success of “Gangum Style” video an Egyptian version was made that presented the Egyptian Culture in a very funny way and that’s when the idea flashed. With the help of VDRR Ahmed Nabil the idea of doing a “2450 Style” version came. After getting back to the RDC Team we were encouraged even more to start the project and to our surprise Cyprus decid...
ed to use this video for the promotion of the District Conference which raised our enthusiasm to the sky to be trusted that much.

The project was launched yesterday, to know more details check the facebook event:!/events/382057108554862/?notif_t=plan_user_joined

Hurry up and confirm your club's participation

Rotaractly yours
Family of Rotaract Club of Dokki Garden-City 

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